AI Credits

What are AI Credits?

AI credits (also called AI tokens) are a form of virtual currency used within AI-powered tools. These credits allow users to access and utilize the platform’s AI capabilities, such as generating course content, creating visuals, and formulating assessment questions. AI credits are consumed based on the complexity and length of the tasks performed by the AI. By using AI Credits, users can effectively manage their utilization of the AI services, ensuring they get the most out of the platform while keeping track of their consumption.

How Many Credits Do I Need?

Credits are used in Slice Knowledge whenever you interface with the AI engines – for AI-powered course creation, interactive actions, prompts, bots and image creation. The more you use the AI, the more credits you need. Fortunately, Slice is very efficient.

Here are credit estimates for common tasks – the number of credits varies depending on the complexity of the task.

Autogenerate a new eLearning unit – 60 credits

  • Generate content with in-line AI tools – 18 credits

  • Generate content with the AI Assistant in Slice – 18 credits

  • Chat with the AI bot within the AI Assistant – 2 credits

  • Create an image with the Slice AI – 40 credits*

  • Create an image with the Slice Mid AI – 120 credits*

  • Convert a document to an eLearning unit – 360 credits

AI Credit Usage for Common Workflows

So, how to those tasks and credit costs impact the experience of a busy corporate trainer or subject matter expert putting together a new course? Here are the most typical workflow types we see:

1) eLearning course – basic AI usage ( 60-100 credits)

Davis is creating a course about off-season training for his crew team members.  He starts with a prompt that outlines the kinds of exercises he wants to cover and the kinds of information he wants to include for each one. The AI generates the course outline and fills in the content according to his prompt request. Then he reviews each section, edits/adds to the copy then embeds YouTube video tutorials demonstrating each exercise. H

2) eLearning course – moderate AI usage ( 250-350 credits)

Joe is creating a course about a human resources topic he knows well. He starts by leveraging the “What would you like to teach prompt” to automatically generate a 1-5 chapter first draft. Then, he edits the and adds content from existing materials. He writes most of the supplemental course copy based on his subject matter expertise, but uses the in-line AI a couple of times when his writing feels a little blocked. He mostly uses the app’s stock images but chooses to use the AI to generate a couple of special-context images.

3) eLearning course – heavy AI usage ( 300-400 credits)

Samantha is preparing a first pass at an online course to promote her company’s engineering services. She already has an outline and has gathered a variety of her company’s existing materials. She uses the material to create and train a custom AI-assistant with her company’s voice and basic product knowledge. To start crafting the eLearning modules, she enters a detailed prompt to generate a robust first draft. She pastes in content for multiple sections from the company’s sales and marketing materials, but isn’t an expert on this subject matter. She will create the first draft then use the in-line AI to expand several sections of content. She uploads several images from her company’s branded photo and diagram collection, selects a few Slice stock images, and then uses the AI to generate 4-5 custom images.

4) Document to eLearning Module – (360 -400 credits)

Paul is working on a project to convert his client’s extensive set of ERP system training manuals to online learning experiences. The manuals all follow a standard format and design guidelines so he asked the Slice Knowledge professional services team create an advanced conversion template that maps the standard sections and styles in the PDF and DOC files to specific layout widgets in Slice. He doesn’t need a lot of content revision or creation for this project so the conversion is the primary use of the credits.

AI Credit Usage for Common Workflows

Each Slice Knowledge plan comes with a AI credits. Lifetime deal subscriptions also come with a base set of credits 720 for Tier 1 users and 2000 for Tier 2. In addition, the first 250 AppSumo deal customers will receive an additional 10,000 credits that they can use any time. Subscription plans have credits that are topped up each month.

Users can purchase additional credits at within the app at any time. The prices for additional credits are:

$10 for 1000

$25 for 5000

$40 for 10000

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